商家简介:      商家 ID:B4007   更新时间:17-03-2023   城市:Wellington 惠灵顿   板块:[ 妓院按摩 ]   [ 繁體 ]   [ 回首页 ]   [ 商家登入 ]   [ 升级广告 ]

Funhouse 已成为新西兰最优雅、组织最完善、最有趣和最精英的场所。


Funhouse 裸体按摩将包括完全自由裁量权、微笑迎接您的美丽女士、免费饮料、闪闪发光的干净热水淋浴和大毛巾、谈话、大型豪华按摩床、温热的油、直观的按摩、身体 滑梯、乳房扫描、可能的附加功能和一个非常幸福的结局。 接下来是“热毛巾”擦洗、更多交谈、另一个舒适的热水淋浴和一个大大的拥抱,当您离开并飘下楼梯时。

我们有不同年龄和技能的女士。 我们的一些女性会提供从轻微的感官按摩到变态按摩,有些会迎合情侣,有些会提供所有额外服务,有些会喜欢参与双重按摩。 如果您有特定类型的会议,请提及这一点,以便我们为您匹配合适的女士。



周一至周四上午 9 点至晚上 9 点
周五上午 9 点至晚上 8 点
周六上午 11 点至下午 6 点
周日和所有公共假期中午 12 点至晚上 7 点

我们仅通过预约工作,因此您必须先确认预订,然后才能获得地址。 您必须始终在您确认的确切时间到达,以免撞到其他客户。 我们的女士每次预订都会特别进来,因此她们对每次预订都充满新鲜感和热情。


我们将始终尊重您的界限,并期望得到同样的回报——按摩室不提供全方位服务。 不同的女士提供不同的额外服务,因此在您预订前或在您遇到女士时与我们交谈,切勿假设任何事情。



Funhouse has become known as New Zealand’s most classy, well organised, fun and elite establishment.
Our erotic naked massage services, like all of our other services, are second to none and we are proud to be priced accordingly.

With our hand-picked selection of beautiful, smart and sexy women who are trained by some of the best in the industry and love what they do, we are able to provide the largest and most varied selection of massage services in the country.

A Funhouse naked massage will include total discretion, a beautiful woman who will greet you with a smile, a complimentary drink, a sparklingly clean and hot shower and big towels, conversation, a large luxury massage table, warmed oil, an intuitive massage, body slides, breast sweeps, possible extras and a very happy ending. This will be followed up with a ‘hot towel’ rub down, more conversation, another nice hot shower and a big hug when you leave and float down the stairs.
A shower at the end of the massage is not compulsory but one at the beginning is for yours and your masseuse’s comfort.

We have ladies of varying ages and skillsets. Some of our women will provide from a light sensual massage through to a kinky massage, some will cater to couples, some will provide all the extras and some will love being involved in bi-double massages. If you have a particular type of session in mind then please mention this so we can match you to the right lady.


The phone is on the following hours and the ladies work by appointment so you will always need to give notice, the more notice you give the more likely you are to be able to see your chosen lady.

Monday to Thursday 9am to 9pm
Friday 9am to 8pm
Saturday 11am to 6pm
Sunday and all public holidays 12pm to 7pm

We work by appointment only so you must have a confirmed booking before you will even get the address. You must always arrive at the exact time you have confirmed to avoid bumping in to other clients. Our ladies come in especially for each booking so they are fresh and full of enthusiasm for each booking.


We will always respect your boundaries and expect the same in return – there is NO full service in the massage rooms. Different ladies provide different extras so never assume anything without talking to us before your booking or to the lady when you meet her.

If you attempt to ignore or disrespect a lady’s individual boundaries then you will be warned and if you continue you will be told to leave with no refunded money, which is not the happy ending any of us wish for you.

Be respectful and follow our very basic rules and you will leave feeling like a million dollars.

联系时请说明是在 oz99 网站看到的,谢谢。提及 oz99,享受更多优惠。

oz99 平台鼓励和推荐顾客选用金牌或银牌会员商家,以获得更加信赖和可靠的服务。优质品牌带来优质产品和优质服务。



Funhouse Naked Massage【图片 1】   
Funhouse Naked Massage【图片 2】   
Funhouse Naked Massage【图片 3】   

Funhouse Naked Massage【图片 4】   
Funhouse Naked Massage【图片 5】   
Funhouse Naked Massage【图片 6】   



 电话: 027 251 7511
 地址: Te Aro, Wellington 6011
 邮件: support@oz99.com.au
 网站: http://www.sensualmassagewellington.co.nz


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