商家 ID:B3882 更新时间:25-01-2021 城市:Auckland 奥克兰 板块:[ 妓院按摩 ] [ 繁體 ] [ 回首页 ]
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Welcome to the White House
The magnificent building which has now become The White House Adult Entertainment Centre has a very interesting past. It was, once upon a time, a building which was filled with people interested in Angels of another kind. Patrons who enjoy the entertainment that they experience from our New Zealand Angels Choreographed Routines would be humoured by the thought that in the not too distant past, the building in its former life, once housed The New Zealand Theosophical Society. (The Wisdom of the Divine)
In 2000, Brian Le Gros, who is well known in the Entertainment circles in Wellington, visited Auckland to begin his search for the location that would be fitting of his vison. The vision was to change the perception or should we say misperception once and for all of a 'striptease' bar, by building a venue that would bring the Striptease Industry up to a level never before seen in New Zealand. Brian found such a building at 371 Queen Street and began the long arduous task of totally renovating the interior and exterior of the old building.
From the furnishings at The White House to the paintings on the walls and the pure invigorating entertainment.... this establishment oozes class! Despite the opposition by some of the neighbouring businesses, who's perception of the so called 'dark side of the entertainment industry' somewhat slowed plans, work continued throughout the day and night. It was no easy task to transform this wonderful building into the pleasurable Auckland Icon that stands next to Myers Park and no visit to Auckland would be complete without dropping into The White House.
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电话: 09 377 4545
地址: 397 Queen St, Auckland
邮件: info@whitehouse.co.nz
网站: http://www.whitehouse.co.nz