商家 ID:B3501 更新时间:28-07-2020 城市:Sydney 悉尼 板块:[ 妓院按摩 ] [ 繁體 ] [ 回首页 ]
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必杀技师精通色情按摩,密宗按摩,裸露身体滑行,全身努鲁按摩经验,无论男女,都可以舒缓疼痛。 欢迎您要求其他成人按摩服务来满足您的色情幻想和欲望。
看看我们可爱的按摩师,并通过电话安排预订:(02)9319 6699
涅rv乐队(Nirvana)的精品沙龙位于萨里山(Surry Hills)克利夫兰街400-402号-距悉尼中央商务区仅一箭之遥。 这个方便的中央位置在周围的街道中提供停车位,并且距离中央火车站只有几步之遥,更不用说附近总有出租车。
Nirvana masseuses are skilled in the art of erotic massage, tantic, nude body slide, full body nuru massage experience for men, women and couples to soothe your aches away. You’re welcome to ask for other adult massage services to satisfy your erotic fantasies and desires…
Take a look at our lovely masseuses and arrange your booking by phone: (02) 9319 6699
Nirvana is a boutique erotic massage salon in the heart of Sydney, Australia!
Nirvana's boutique salon is located at 400-402 Cleveland Street, Surry Hills - and are just a stone's throw from Sydney's CBD. This handy central location has parking in surrounding streets and is within walking distance from Central train station, not to mention there are always taxis available nearby.
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电话: (02) 9319 6699 / (02) 9319 7799
地址: 400-402 Cleveland Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010
邮件: support@oz99.com.au
网站: http://nirvanasydney.com.au